Web Seminar: Elemental Analysis in Organic Matrices Advantages of a High-resolution ICP-OES in the Analysis of Petrochemicals
Content and goals of the Web Seminar
Duration: ~50 min
Language: English
Speaker: Dr. Sandro Spiller, Product Specialist ICP techniques
The quantification of trace elements in organic matrices requires a sensitive and selective analytical method. Due to its ability to determine multiple elements (up to 70 elements), its high dynamic linear range and its ability to detect the lowest element concentrations, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is widely used for the analysis of organics. However, compared to aqueous solutions, organic mixtures represent a difficult sample matrix for ICP techniques. The high matrix load and high carbon content require a robust sample supply and plasma system that reliably excites the samples in the ICP system and does not cause carbon deposition on the plasma torch. In addition, there is an increased risk of spectral interference due to carbon-based emissions. Learn more about the unique performance potential of the PlasmaQuant PQ 9100 and the applicative advantages it offers users in the demanding analysis of organic matrices like petrochemicals.