Web Seminar: Monitoring Carbon and Fluorine Parameters as well as Chromium Species and Other Heavy Metals in Various Water Bodies

Content and goals of the Web Seminar

Duration: ~60 min
Language: English

Dr. Rui Santos, Global Manager ICP-MS Application Specialists, Analytik Jena
Dr. Bernd Bletzinger, Product Manager, Analytik Jena
Dr. Stefan Jezierski, Industry Manager, Analytik Jena

In this web seminar we look closer into interesting topics on contaminants in natural water bodies. We will dive headfirst into Chromium speciation analysis, decent into the deep realms of TOC and TNb analysis by the new multi N/C x300 series, before the vast sea of sample preparation for AOF, as a sum parameter for PFAS, emerges before our eyes. Throughout this session, we will provide an overview of the topics, explore European and global regulations, delve into the methodology including analytical approach and workflow, present data with case studies on the different analytes and speciation, and conclude with a summary of findings along with future directions. We are thrilled to share valuable insights with you. So put on your diving suit and follow us!

Key learning objectives:

  • Cr(III) and Cr(VI) determination according to ISO:FDIS 24384:2024
  • Solutions for TOC/DOC (Total / Dissolved Organic Carbon) and TNb/DNb (Total / dissolved bound Nitrogen) according DIN EN ISO 20236 by the new multi N/C x300 series
  • Sample Preparation for AOF (Adsorbable Organic Fluorine, EPA 1621, DIN 38409-59)
  • Heavy metal determination by AAS according to ISO 15586 

Who should attend:

  • Regulators and chemists from laboratories of state environmental authorities
  • Chemists and personnel of contract laboratories
  • Scientists of environmental research laboratories