Web Seminar Nucleic Acid Extraction Efficient methods for low, medium and high sample volumes

Contents & goals of the web seminar

Duration: ~25 min
Language: English

With respect to nucleic acid extraction, there are a lot of aspects to consider when deciding on the right method to use for a specific application. One important factor is the expected sample throughput. Whether a lab is looking to extract a dozen or a few hundred samples per day, there is always a suitable go-to method.

In this web seminar you will learn how to choose the optimal extraction platform and technology with respect to your specific application. We will discuss manual extraction as well as different scales of automated extraction. Analytik Jena’s pipetting and liquid handling platforms, the InnuPure C16 touch and the CyBio FeliX, are introduced as exemplary devices for medium to high sample throughput. Both devices offer the option of choosing between two distinct extraction technologies – magnetic beads and SmartExtraction. Applicative examples give further insights into which platform/technology combination is the best choice in specific settings and for specific applications.

  • benefits and disadvantages of different methods of nucleic acid extraction
  • critical factors in deciding which extraction technology to choose
  • applicative insights

Target group: Users looking to set up or optimize nucleic acid extraction procedures